A Sight Through The Glitch

Reality is an outdated system. We're here to bend the rules, glitch the norm, and exploit their boring and corrupted attitude. Expect the unexpected. 🎮👾

In the bustling city of Aetherion, where towering spires of technology kissed the heavens and innovation thrived beneath the watchful eyes of progress, there existed a secret that the mundane populace overlooked—a power as elusive as the shifting sands of the desert and as intoxicating as forbidden wine. Those who possessed this power walked a precarious line, teetering between illumination and madness, burdened with the weight of a ceaseless, inescapable introspection.

Kaelan was one such individual, a reluctant inheritor of the “Desert of Overthinking,” a gift—or curse—bestowed upon him not by choice but by the whims of fate. In his waking life, he was an enigma, a thoughtful soul cloaked in the ordinary trappings of a librarian, his presence as unassuming as the pages of the books he adored. Yet, beneath the veneer of an unremarkable façade, his mind was a tempest of endless contemplation, a vast desert where every grain of sand whispered possibilities untold.

Kaelan's power would make for rich storytelling, exploring themes like the mind's capacity for thought, the fine line between genius and madness, and the ethical ramifications of influencing others' mental states.

But, what is the “Desert of Overthinking”? I'm glad you ask! Let me layout the concept of this power with RPG terms.

“Desert of Overthinking” allows the individual to project or induce an overwhelming state of over-analysis in themselves or others, essentially trapping the target in an endless desert of thoughts where every grain of sand represents a different angle, possibility, or outcome of a situation.


Inducing Overthought:

  • Single Target: The hero can focus this power on one individual, causing them to second-guess every action, decision, or even word they might say. This could be used to prevent enemies from taking immediate action, giving the hero time to escape or strategize.

  • Area Effect: When activated in a crowd, it could lead to mass indecision, where everyone becomes so caught up in thinking about what to do next that they effectively become immobile or inactive.


The user can enter this state themselves to explore every possible scenario of a future event or past decision. This could be used for planning, learning from hypothetical mistakes without making them, or deducing the best course of action through sheer exhaustive thought.

Memory Manipulation:

By navigating through the sands of thought, the hero might be able to uncover forgotten or repressed memories in themselves or others, using overthinking as a tool for deep introspection or interrogation.

Defense Mechanism:

When under mental attack or interrogation, the hero can retreat into this desert, making it incredibly difficult for any mental intrusion to extract useful information since every thought leads to another, creating a labyrinth of consciousness.

Creativity Boost:

While overthinking is often seen negatively, in controlled doses, it could lead to bursts of creativity or innovation, where the hero or others can come up with unique solutions or ideas by considering all possible angles.


  • Mental Exhaustion: Frequent or prolonged use could lead to severe mental fatigue, stress, or even mental health issues for the user or their targets.

  • Isolation: The hero might find themselves isolated as others might fear being around someone who can induce such overwhelming introspection.

  • Loss of Action: There's a risk of becoming trapped in their own mind, leading to paralysis by analysis where the hero or others can't act due to over-analyzing.

  • Ethical Concerns: Using this power to manipulate or incapacitate others could raise significant moral questions about free will and consent.

Character Development:

  • Journey to Control: Kaelan's arc could involve learning to control this power, transitioning from someone who inadvertently causes chaos with their ability to someone who uses it with precision and care.

  • Finding Balance: The hero might need to find activities or companions that help them switch off this power, like meditation, art, or a partner who has a grounding effect on them.

  • Moral Dilemmas: Stories could explore situations where using the power is necessary but ethically ambiguous, forcing the hero to make tough choices about when it's justifiable to use such an invasive ability.

The prologue is just the beginning of a story you might think and develop yourself. It is a mirror, reflecting the infinite potential that lies within you. As you step out into the world, know that the story never truly ends; it continues with every choice, every moment of reflection, and every dream that dares to take flight.

Wander well, dear reader.

⟩ OmniGlitch

#tech #gaming #opinions

Want to transform your perfectly organized life into a chaotic masterpiece? Look no further! Follow these expert-tested methods to achieve maximum disorder.

Step 1: Master the Art of Procrastination

Remember: tomorrow is always the best day to start anything. Why do today what you can postpone until next week, next month, or preferably never? Pro tip: Set at least 17 alarms every morning and ignore them all.

Step 2: Perfect the “Floordrobe”

Closets and drawers are overrated. Your floor is a perfectly valid storage solution for clothes, books, and important documents. Create an archaeological layer system – the deeper the layer, the longer it's been there. Bonus points if you forget what's at the bottom!

Step 3: Embrace Financial Chaos

Keep all your receipts, but make sure to crumple them up and distribute them randomly throughout your house. When tax season comes, enjoy the thrill of the hunt! For extra excitement, never check your bank balance – let every purchase be a surprise.

Step 4: Master Time Mismanagement

Schedule important meetings for the same time. Double-book yourself constantly. When someone asks if you're free next Thursday, always say yes without checking. Remember: calendars are just suggestions, and time is a social construct anyway.

Step 5: Perfect Your Excuse Arsenal

Develop a comprehensive list of creative excuses. “My pet goldfish needed emotional support” is always a classic. “I was abducted by aliens, but they had terrible WiFi” works too. The more outlandish, the better!

Step 6: Dietary Excellence

Eat breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast. Better yet, forget meals entirely and survive on random snacks found in the back of your cupboard. That expired protein bar from 2019? It's probably fine.

Advanced Tips for the Committed Chaos Enthusiast

  • Name all your files “final_final_FINAL_v2_REALLY_FINAL.doc”
  • Keep your phone permanently at 1% battery
  • Respond to all emails exactly 3 weeks late, always starting with “Sorry for the delayed response!”

Disclaimer: Following this guide may result in unexpected organization and productivity as your life spirals so far into chaos that it somehow loops back around to order. The author takes no responsibility for accidental success in life.

⟩ OmniGlitch

#tech #gaming #opinions